"I tre adattamenti sono stati realizzati insieme a Eleonora Toffolo, una carissima amica che a dispetto del nome è inglese e conosce l'italiano anche meglio di me. Quella di rendere fedelmente i miei testi, magari rispettandone il linguaggio e non stravolgendone i giochi di metafore, era un'autentica sfida, occorreva una certa sensibilità: i complimenti ricevuti dicono che l'obiettivo è stato raggiunto. I pezzi sono stati registati assieme a quelli in italiano, con Eleonora che mi controllava la pronuncia."
* tratto da Carmen Consoli - Quello che sento, F. Guglielmi - GIUNTI Editore 2006
When the April showers blur the horizon disconsolately fishermen bring their boats sowly back to the shore.
When April showers send housewives hurrying outdoors to salvage rows of white washing hanging on the line.
I know that summer's just round the corner playing hide and seek as it keeps us all waiting.
And through those meloncholy winters, how cold the nights coul be, my imitation of contentment was a parody.
All through those chilled and cheerless winters, col comfort came slowly to an end, every cloud lost its silver-lining, having fun was playing a game of pretend.
The April showers release the sweet scent of blossolming trees to ride the wind and go down to mingle with the salt-sea air.
I know that summer's just round the corner playing hide and seek as it keeps us all waiting.
And through those meloncholy winters, how cold the nights coul be, my imitation of contentment was a parody.
All through those chilled and cheerless winters, col comfort came slowly to an end.
What we missed then, most of all, was our indisputable right to laughter.
And through those meloncholy winters, how cold the nights coul be, my imitation of contentment was a parody.
And through those meloncholy winters, how cold the nights coul be, my imitation of contentment was a parody.
One look from him and I fell under his spell,
His manicured fingers moved like a magician's.
His lips in proportion to the pearly-white,
Dazzling perfection of his irresistible smile.
With great expertise, never wasting a word,
I gave in to his charm and persuasion as he
Sweet talked me.
We started to meet and date fast and furiously,
In all the unusual places we could think of.
My artful young man had endless resources,
Pulling the strings that seduced me.
No hesitation when he asked me sincerely:
"Come on let's get married". he was a master of self-assured ease.
Wedding Day memories come back to remind me,
A veil of white lace trailing softly behind me,
Something borrowed 'n' blue, something old 'n' new,
As I waited devoutly for the groom to appear.
Crammed in their pews the guests growing restless
Restraining their pent-up hysteria.
The minutes ticked by with relentless precision,
So where on earth was my husband to be ?
No hesitation when he asked me sincerely:
"Come on let's get married". he was a master of self-assured ease.
Wedding Day memories come back to remind me,
A veil of white lace trailing softly behind me,
No nervous bridegroom in manly composure,
Only the priest in conspicuous embarassment.
Wedding Day memories come back to remind me,
A veil of white lace trailing softly behind me,
No nervous bridegroom in manly composure,
Only the priest in conspicuous embarassment.
Wedding Day memories come back to remind me,
A veil of white lace flowing softly behind me,
No wedding march to walk down the
aisle with, just the dull dirge of
my inconsolable grieVING.
Lord of the oceans,
What is your
Demolition strategy
Lord of the oceans,
I hope you don’t mind,
But i’m planning my great
You should be delighted
To see me as grains of sand
Among the remains
Of your marvellous, tower of strength.
I was the queen of nothing.
Washed up with the last wave, weiry, helpless,
But finally safe.
And i congratulate you
For losing your faith in me,
But you’re terribly sorry
And i don’t understand
Why you’ve even started fearing yourself.
Lord of the oceans,
Make amends,
As you try to redeem
Your self esteem.
Lord of the oceans,
I hope you don’t mind
If i bid you my last
You should be delighted
To see me as grains of sand
Among the remains
Of your marvellous, tower of strength.
I was the queen of nothing.
And i congratulate you
For losing your faith in me,
But you’re terribly sorry
And i don’t understand
Why you’ve even started fearing yourself .................. (twice)
Lord of the oceans,
I hope you don’t mind,
But i’m planning my great
Masinu cugghieva a cirasa,
“ten’accura ca sciddichi”,
vanniava a soggira.
Iddu pinsava megghiu ca mi
spicciu picchì ma ittau.
“Si misu jautu e a scala non teni,
scinni Masinu di l’avvuru, alleggiu”
“Si misu jautu e a scala non teni,
scinni Masinu di l’avvuru, alleggiu”
A soggira, vistuta di niuru,
sutta u picu ro suli schigghiava:
“Masinu accura su caschi
t’acciunchi”. Iddu pinsava:
“‘cchi beddu stu triulu”.
“Si misu jautu e a scala non teni,
scinni Masinu di l’avvuru, alleggiu”
“Si misu jautu e a scala non teni,
scinni Masinu di l’avvuru, alleggiu”
“Si misu jautu e a scala non teni,
scinni Masinu di l’avvuru, alleggiu”
“Si misu jautu e a scala non teni,
scinni Masinu di l’avvuru, alleggiu”
Tra u picciu da soggira
e tra ca era misu mali,
a scala si ruppi,
ma iddu arristau appinnutu
‘nda l’avvuru e a bedda
cirasa arruau n’terra.
…a bedda cirasa russa e duci.
…a bedda cirasa russa e duci.
I just can’t get you out of my head
Boy your lovin’ is all i think about.
I just can’t get you out of my head
Boy it’s more than i dare to think about.
Every night, every day
Just to be there in your arms.
Won’t you stay ........................ (3 times)
Won’t you ............ Stay forever, and ever, and ever ......
La la la ......
La la la ......
La la la ......
I just can’t get you out of my head
Boy your lovin’ is all i think about.
I just can’t get you out of my head
Boy it’s more than i dare to think about.
There’s a dark secret in me
Don’t leave me locked in your heart.
Set me free
Feel the need in me
Stay forever, and ever, and ever ......
I just can’t get you out of my head
Boy your lovin’ is all i think about.